I don't know what world you're living in mate, but where I come from cats are pussies.

Now I'm not one to judge. I don't care for Halloween so therefore don't really care what you dress up as but why is there now a tradition that dressing up as cats is an acceptable Halloween costume? Halloween is another American custom that we've seem to have picked up over here but the fundamentals of the day are pretty straight forward. SCARY. The Halloween films were about a bunch of kittens getting adopted. 

As you get older you begin to learn that Halloween is just another excuse to go out with your mates and just party and obviously you can't go to a party without looking... "nice". People seem to think they can't look nice as an undead zombie or a werewolf so they dress up in next to nothing and go as bunnies and cats. This seems heavily targeted at women... I'm sorry but this kind of is the situation. I mean boys dress up as some pretty lame stuff as well but my main gripe is with the pussy.

And also I think a lot of it is just a lack of effort. You're not remotely trying to look scary. You know what halloween is about but you're actively going against it. You're not even a vampire cat... you're just a cat. With the whiskers and everything. Honestly you might as well not dress up at all then at least that makes more of a statement then lamely attempting to be part of the festivities.

This Halloween though I must say I haven't seen as many cats. I think this is because we've had so much inspiration in the past year there's just no excuse for it now. Now some of you are probably thinking "who am I to talk? I haven't dressed up for halloween for the past 15 years." If you're thinking this, how the hell do you know I haven't dressed up for 15 years but more importantly my views about Halloween are pretty solid. I know where I stand, allowing me to judge. Haha, no I'm joking. But it is my blog so...

I can't say I will ever be a fan of Halloween... and I don't know how to finish that sentence. HOWEVER I do like seeing the effort some people go to. It gives a chance for us to be imaginative and creative. Don't squander that by deciding to paint on some whiskers and go as a feline.

Well that was bloody disturbing...

Who wakes up and says I want to sell houses for a living?

Have you ever been house hunting? If you've been to uni you probably have unless your uni accommodates 2nd and 3rd years. Anyway that's not the point. The point of this post is how much of a circus getting a new place is.

Talk about pushy... you make one little enquiry online and the next thing you know you're being bombarded by calls from John wanting to know everything about your life. Like I understand why they do it but on the other hand it's like they don't trust us. Believe me I wouldn't be looking at places I couldn't afford. Having said this though it might say 500 a month but once you add bills, council tax and the repossession of your soul you're looking at close to 700 a month.

But that's not even half of it. You're already starting the process of handing over your life before you've even seen the damn place. And when you get to this 2 bed flat you realise its actually a 1.5 bed. Honestly some of these rooms they're passing as "bedrooms", once you put the bed in there's not much room for anything else. And the estate agent is standing there spouting all this trash about how it's a "good size".

Now let me speak about female estate agents. Don't take anything I say here the wrong way but every single female estate agent I've met have been decent looking. Tight skirt, high heels... now lets not lie, some people will take a house because of some flirtatious behaviour from a pretty estate agent. But me... nah. I don't care if Beyonce is trying to sell me a house if it doesn't meet my needs I ain't taking it. But a lot of these estate agents are good at their job, tbh most of the females were better than the males and actually sold the property.

So now you've decided on a place you think life is dandy and you can move into your new bachelor pad. Er... no. There's paperwork and agency fees. And some of these agency fees are bloody ridiculous. What are we actually paying for exactly? I swear no one knows. But then I see estate agents driving these nice cars and in their sleek suits and I think... "oh yeah".

Let's not forget that selling houses is a job. The estate agent doesn't care about you and your needs. The only thing they care about is making that quick sell. They'll happily sell you a sewer calling it a basement with "character".

I think I'll just inherit my house from me old ma and pa...

Will never stop talking about it...

For a while I didn't even know...

I started writing this blog around 2 and a half years ago. I had no expectations, no goal and no idea what I was doing. Heck, I still don't know what I'm doing but it's been a mad ride since then and if one thing in my life has been consistent it's this blog. The posts I write now are the same as I wrote way back in 2014, well I mean hopefully they're better now but the ethos is still the same. I never want the reason for why I started this to be lost or subverted so I'm reminding you guys as well as myself now.

I have decided to completely revamp it, but that in no way signifies a change in what I'm going to be writing about. It's all going to be the same nonsense, not wearing jeans, how to talk to girls, how to beat the buffet. I can't imagine me writing anything different to be honest. The old layout was a bit basic and 2 and a half years of this calls for a bit of a change.

As you guys know there's not really a point to what I write about. I mean I like to write and I have a lot of thoughts mingling in my head so the best thing to do is write them down. If people want to read, then that's great but if not then I'm happy just using this blog for cathartic reasons. I don't want this to be about figuring out how to get more people to read or bombarding people with posts telling them to read it. Like I said if people want to read it then that's great but I really do write this for me. I would be lying if I said I haven't researched ways in getting more people to read my blog but a lot of the ways in which I would go about doing that will result in me compromising why I write this blog. I don't want this blog to have a theme or some rigid structure, all it is is a manifestation of my brain.

The reason why I like to write is because it's a solitary thing. Just you and a computer screen or a piece of paper. You're doing it because you want to. To be totally honest with you I thought I would've dropped this by now but I've really surprised myself that I've kept it going. And that's not because I feel any obligation to the people reading it but purely because it just helps me a lot. It helps me make sense of my thoughts and is an insight into my life that not a lot of people get to see. There will be times in all of our lives where we will have to do things we don't want to do, just to get by. I know that's coming for me, so until then I'm going to do what I like and it's all going to be because I want to do it. I will have to spend my life being governed by "the man" one day but that day ain't today, not by a long shot.

Where was I...? Oh yeah so there will be a point in your life where you'll be questioning why you're doing what you're doing. So for now it's important to hold on to the things that you love, the things that excite you, the things that make you, you. Don't become a robot, you're not here to get up go to work come home, eat, sleep and repeat. What kind of life is that? Not one that any of us want to be living.

This blog is me and it will always be me. Nothing will change that. A lot does change in 2 and a half years, but this won't... I won't.

Say cheese...

You know when you see a photo of someone, especially when it's someone you don't know, you just look at what's there. Maybe they're smiling, maybe they're not, perhaps they're nicely dressed or maybe its a selfie first thing in the morning. Photos represent what we look like at one minuscule moment in time. We will never look like that again nor will we ever be able to recreate that moment. But there's a lot more to it. Every snapshot has a story and sometimes we forget that the people in these photos are like real human beings. Each one with their own back story and own journey. They have a a life, and this photo you're looking at is just a very small part of it. We can hardly assume it represents who they are as person.

Because honestly what can we really tell about someone just from a photo? We're just seeing how they look at a very specific moment in time. And right through out our lives we look "different". I look different than i did 10 years ago and probably different than how I looked yesterday. Looks don't really tell us much at all. I feel like all my blog posts come back to this idea of what's on the inside, but it's honestly true. I mean this is why racism exists right, because we're judging people by how they look, not for who they are as people and who they are just means so much more. The relationships we build, most of them are platonic and platonic relationships have absolutely nothing to do with the physical. And we all know this, but yet we judge that person because they're wearing their skirt a little "too short". It means nothing. We don't put on clothes thinking about what other people are going to think about it. Did that make sense? I mean some people might, but we dress how we do because we think it looks good, or we are comfortable with it.

With selfie culture becoming such a phenomenon these days, exemplified by social media this idea is only too apparent. Like why do we even use filters. That filter with the yellow flower crown thing was obviously made to make people look better than they actually are. I mean if you go through tinder that is the filter most people are using. But I digress, I mean the photo already didn't tell us much about you so the fact that you've put a filter on tells us less. I do get it, some of these filters are just fun, and its cool the way they detect your massive head but lets just not be blinded by it. The world is constantly moving, constantly changing and photos just don't do a very good job at capturing that. They're good at saving moments when we're happy, sad or exhausted but only cos I'm happy then, that doesn't make me a happy person. I have been through a ridiculous journey to get me to that point and a photo won't tell you that.

I think this post made it sound like I hate photos more than I actually do. I mean they're fine... but not many photos of me actually exist.