Our thoughts are our own. And we have totally control over them... right?

Ever thought of something completely crazy, so crazy you began to question your own state of mind? Now I'm not saying we have no control over our thoughts because obviously we do. But sometimes that one morbid, weird, deluded thought seeps into our mind and sits there. Then we ask ourselves why the hell am I thinking that?

Now thoughts are an amazing concept. They allow us to escape, or take us back to a distant memory. Although it's never gonna be quite as real as the event itself the memory still lives on and we can access it as often as we want as long as it stays in our long term memory. What do you like to think about? Because you know thoughts can solve a lot of problems, but also cause a lot of problems. Over-thinking in particular. I see myself as an over thinker. If I feel like I could've handled a situation better it will play over in my mind again and again. It's hard to shake and I don't know how I ever come to the realisation that I need to just move on. But it comes eventually.

But most of my thoughts are fantasy. Probably like most of us. Whether they're about wealth, fame or sex. Because it's always going to be a fantasy, you can never perfectly recreate a thought. So don't waste your life trying to essentially chase something that doesn't exist. It's perfectly okay to have these thoughts but remember that that's all they are, thoughts. In fact something occurred to me the other day. Most of the stuff we see in the world came from a thought. Buildings, mobile phones, furniture. Someone had that image in their head and decided that that was how it was going to look which just goes to show how amazing the human mind is.

However not all thoughts are good thoughts. Sometimes you may find yourself in a position where you're having the most random and horrific thoughts. What's the worst thing you've ever thought of....? But you're not the kind of person that will act on these thoughts right? See we all have the potential to break bad and become someone we don't want to be. But I guess we have the self restraint and know what the consequences will be if we act upon these photos. Having said this I do think these thoughts are necessary for us personally and in terms of human development. I mean ultimately our minds are a world we have created, where we decide the rules. This is where our anger, our envy, our violence is kept. Sometimes we do lose ourselves and give into our thoughts but hey, we're only human.

One day consciously think about your thought process. How you go from one thought to another, what triggers these thoughts and how long you actually spend thinking about these thoughts. You'll be surprised.

Is the word thought starting to sound weird to you?

… Because life is hard right?
Here is a list of 77 struggles we face in life. Some we can deal with some, we just can't. So here we go...

         1.     Internet Explorer
2.       Getting up
3.       Going to sleep
4.       Actually sleeping
5.       Boys
6.       Girls
7.       Boys and Girls
8.       Relationships
9.       Being single
10.   Work, whether its school work, uni work or work work.
11.   Predictive text that still changes the damn word after you’ve changed it.
12.   Changing empty toilet roll… I just can’t be bothered.
13.   Children, whether they’re yours or not.
14.   Big headed children.
15.   Staring babies… suck your mum.
16.   Listening to that one song on repeat.
17.   Being unlucky in love
18.   Internet Explorer
19.   Making meals that take longer to cook than eat.
20.   Dirty dishes.
21.   Crap advice (i.e. “just breathe” “you’ll be fine” “just give it time”).
22.   Clichés
23.   Lies
24.   The truth
25.   Extrovertly extroverts
26.   Cheese – The food AND the “talk”
27.   Sainsbury’s
28.   Miley Cyrus
29.   Ice JJ Fish
30.   The Kardashians
31.   Internet Explorer
32.   Battery Low…
33.   Rich people
34.   Broke people
35.   Broken zips
36.   Hot people who know they’re hot.
37.   Ugly people who think they’re hot
38.   People who don’t know the difference between fact and opinion
39.   Undercover racists/homophobes/sexists etc.
40.   Anything chocolate that’s not chocolate
41.   Not being able to rip off the entire wrapper of a drumstick lollipop
42.   Sun
43.   Snow
44.   And everything in between
45.   Being dark
46.   Being pale
47.   Internet Explorer
48.   Drunks
49.   Annoying Drunks
50.   Aggressive Drunks
51.   Drunk Drunks
52.   Sweat
53.   Hot breath
54.   Hair… just hair.
55.   Independence
56.   Dependence
57.   Halloween… FRIKKIN HALLOWEEN
58.   Valentine’s Day (Pretend to love me more than you actually do)
59.   Conversation – A struggle for most people it would seem
60.   The lottery
61.   Attainment of that gym body
62.   TOWIE
63.   Internet Explorer
64.   Skyrim
65.   Feet
66.   Arsenal FC – Always struggling for that 4th place
67.   Arsenal Fans – Struggle to realise their team’s struggle
68.   The struggle itself is a struggle
69.   Love (Whatever that is)
70.   Religion
71.   The Illuminati
72.   The Media
73.   The Government
74.   Society
75.   Democracy
76.   Death…
77.   LIFE

So everything in life is a struggle really… But remember they don’t have to be. All these things can make you thrive except for Internet Explorer because it’s just awful.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Your mirror will tell you, that you are. You're fair, you're great, you're amazing, you're incredible.

Do you ever look in the mirror and not like the person staring back at you. I'd be surprised if you hadn't felt that way. I doubt that there's anyone in this world that always likes what they see in the mirror. But hey, mirrors are truthful and real. They might not show you what you want to see but definitely show you what you need to see. They're a big part of our day to day life and something that people may use more than others but still arguably a necessity. So just what is so scary or compelling about a mirror?

Well I don't know about you but I hate mirrors. Every time I use the bathroom I avoid looking in the mirror especially when it's a public mirror. I don't know why this is but maybe it comes down to, and maybe some of you can relate, that I have this perceived idea of how I think I look and looking in the mirror will only wreck this. Maybe this could be the reason for why most of us hate looking in the mirror. It's not so much that we don't like what we see but more to do with the fact that it doesn't correspond with what we believed we looked like.

I mean our appearance is something that a lot of people struggle to come to terms with and accept. How we look is never going to change and looking in the mirror only confirms this. We all have this idea of what we think "perfection" is. What we want to look like. Maybe a different eye colour, or different skin complexion or different sized ears. No matter what it is, it's us. You'll see a lot of good looking people in life who you may envy because of their looks. But why are you really envying them? Why is our appearance so important to us. Now I'm not naive to the fact that a lot of stereotypes and judgements are placed on people's appearances today but when it comes down to it you are much bigger than any of that.

I guess a lot of this is reiterating what I said in my previous post. Lately I'm just in a mood where I want people to feel good about themselves because of some of the negativity we experience these days. Moral of the story is... dedicate your life to change things that are in your power to change.