So I was thinking... I'm chatting all this crap to you, but you probably hardly know me. So i'm going to answer some pretty generic questions you may have about me. Hopefully you'll be more inclined to listen to the rubbish I speak. Because it is rubbish. I'll try and be as truthful as possible I swear.

1. What's your full name?
Byran Kallum Ferrol

2. Where are you from?
London. East London to be exact. Or Essex, but I like to think it's London.

3. Favourite food?
Lasagne, made by the right person.

4. Favourite film?
Dark Knight but Pan's Labyrinth and Buried deserve a mention.

5. Favourite TV Show
As you all know, Doctor Who and The Simpsons.

6. Favourite Artist
Michael Jackson by far.

7. Favourite Artist, that's still alive?
B.o.B or Eminem or Justin Timberlake.

8. Last place you went abroad?
My second home America.

9. Where would you like to go?

10. Favourite word?
What kind of question is that? I don't know.Juxtapose is a pretty cool word.

11. Catch phrase?
I think others could answer this better than I could.

12. Favourite hobby?
Football... watching and playing! But mostly playing!

13. What team do you support?

14. Pet peeve?
People wearing something that I own and not wearing it as good as I do. Or people's breath all up in my face. And just being able to smell people.

15. The dream?
Showrunner of a successful TV series.

16. Biggest regret?
Tricky one, probably having the opportunity to be friends with people but not pursuing it. There are many people out there who'd love to be friends with.

17. Best memory?
I have so many, every school trip I ever went on, BFI screenwriting academy in Newcastle and... America of course.

18. Best friend?
You mad, I'm not answering that?

19. Celebrity crush?
Actually used to be Sandra Bullock, but now... okay theres a few. Kat Dennings, Natalie Portman, Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johannson.

20. Most hated celebrity?
Don't really hate anyone, but people I dislike, Miley Cyrus has to be one. Closely followed by Bieber.

21. Something weird about you?
I don't drink or swear. I know I'm a good boy!

22. Favourite colour?

23. Most Interesting thing about you?
Hate this question, there's nothing interesting about me.

24. Do you believe in love?
Well this just got deep. I believe in the feeling, not the definition.

25. Guilty pleasure?
Disney films... and not like Disney pixar films like full on cheesy Disney films that they show on Disney Channel.

26. The part of your body you hate the most?
My feet.

27. Scrunch or fold?
Who has time to fold. Tear that shizz off and wipe that crap away before it starts to fester.

28. What makes you smile?
The politeness of strangers. As cheesy as it might seem.

29. The word used most to describe you?
I'm often called, weird. But then again so are a lot of people.

30. And finally... the meaning of life?
I think people should stop trying to figure that out and just live life.

You practically know my life story now. Anything else you want to know, just ask. I'm practically an open book.

Our thoughts are our own. And we have totally control over them... right?

Ever thought of something completely crazy, so crazy you began to question your own state of mind? Now I'm not saying we have no control over our thoughts because obviously we do. But sometimes that one morbid, weird, deluded thought seeps into our mind and sits there. Then we ask ourselves why the hell am I thinking that?

Now thoughts are an amazing concept. They allow us to escape, or take us back to a distant memory. Although it's never gonna be quite as real as the event itself the memory still lives on and we can access it as often as we want as long as it stays in our long term memory. What do you like to think about? Because you know thoughts can solve a lot of problems, but also cause a lot of problems. Over-thinking in particular. I see myself as an over thinker. If I feel like I could've handled a situation better it will play over in my mind again and again. It's hard to shake and I don't know how I ever come to the realisation that I need to just move on. But it comes eventually.

But most of my thoughts are fantasy. Probably like most of us. Whether they're about wealth, fame or sex. Because it's always going to be a fantasy, you can never perfectly recreate a thought. So don't waste your life trying to essentially chase something that doesn't exist. It's perfectly okay to have these thoughts but remember that that's all they are, thoughts. In fact something occurred to me the other day. Most of the stuff we see in the world came from a thought. Buildings, mobile phones, furniture. Someone had that image in their head and decided that that was how it was going to look which just goes to show how amazing the human mind is.

However not all thoughts are good thoughts. Sometimes you may find yourself in a position where you're having the most random and horrific thoughts. What's the worst thing you've ever thought of....? But you're not the kind of person that will act on these thoughts right? See we all have the potential to break bad and become someone we don't want to be. But I guess we have the self restraint and know what the consequences will be if we act upon these photos. Having said this I do think these thoughts are necessary for us personally and in terms of human development. I mean ultimately our minds are a world we have created, where we decide the rules. This is where our anger, our envy, our violence is kept. Sometimes we do lose ourselves and give into our thoughts but hey, we're only human.

One day consciously think about your thought process. How you go from one thought to another, what triggers these thoughts and how long you actually spend thinking about these thoughts. You'll be surprised.

Is the word thought starting to sound weird to you?

… Because life is hard right?
Here is a list of 77 struggles we face in life. Some we can deal with some, we just can't. So here we go...

         1.     Internet Explorer
2.       Getting up
3.       Going to sleep
4.       Actually sleeping
5.       Boys
6.       Girls
7.       Boys and Girls
8.       Relationships
9.       Being single
10.   Work, whether its school work, uni work or work work.
11.   Predictive text that still changes the damn word after you’ve changed it.
12.   Changing empty toilet roll… I just can’t be bothered.
13.   Children, whether they’re yours or not.
14.   Big headed children.
15.   Staring babies… suck your mum.
16.   Listening to that one song on repeat.
17.   Being unlucky in love
18.   Internet Explorer
19.   Making meals that take longer to cook than eat.
20.   Dirty dishes.
21.   Crap advice (i.e. “just breathe” “you’ll be fine” “just give it time”).
22.   Clichés
23.   Lies
24.   The truth
25.   Extrovertly extroverts
26.   Cheese – The food AND the “talk”
27.   Sainsbury’s
28.   Miley Cyrus
29.   Ice JJ Fish
30.   The Kardashians
31.   Internet Explorer
32.   Battery Low…
33.   Rich people
34.   Broke people
35.   Broken zips
36.   Hot people who know they’re hot.
37.   Ugly people who think they’re hot
38.   People who don’t know the difference between fact and opinion
39.   Undercover racists/homophobes/sexists etc.
40.   Anything chocolate that’s not chocolate
41.   Not being able to rip off the entire wrapper of a drumstick lollipop
42.   Sun
43.   Snow
44.   And everything in between
45.   Being dark
46.   Being pale
47.   Internet Explorer
48.   Drunks
49.   Annoying Drunks
50.   Aggressive Drunks
51.   Drunk Drunks
52.   Sweat
53.   Hot breath
54.   Hair… just hair.
55.   Independence
56.   Dependence
57.   Halloween… FRIKKIN HALLOWEEN
58.   Valentine’s Day (Pretend to love me more than you actually do)
59.   Conversation – A struggle for most people it would seem
60.   The lottery
61.   Attainment of that gym body
62.   TOWIE
63.   Internet Explorer
64.   Skyrim
65.   Feet
66.   Arsenal FC – Always struggling for that 4th place
67.   Arsenal Fans – Struggle to realise their team’s struggle
68.   The struggle itself is a struggle
69.   Love (Whatever that is)
70.   Religion
71.   The Illuminati
72.   The Media
73.   The Government
74.   Society
75.   Democracy
76.   Death…
77.   LIFE

So everything in life is a struggle really… But remember they don’t have to be. All these things can make you thrive except for Internet Explorer because it’s just awful.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Your mirror will tell you, that you are. You're fair, you're great, you're amazing, you're incredible.

Do you ever look in the mirror and not like the person staring back at you. I'd be surprised if you hadn't felt that way. I doubt that there's anyone in this world that always likes what they see in the mirror. But hey, mirrors are truthful and real. They might not show you what you want to see but definitely show you what you need to see. They're a big part of our day to day life and something that people may use more than others but still arguably a necessity. So just what is so scary or compelling about a mirror?

Well I don't know about you but I hate mirrors. Every time I use the bathroom I avoid looking in the mirror especially when it's a public mirror. I don't know why this is but maybe it comes down to, and maybe some of you can relate, that I have this perceived idea of how I think I look and looking in the mirror will only wreck this. Maybe this could be the reason for why most of us hate looking in the mirror. It's not so much that we don't like what we see but more to do with the fact that it doesn't correspond with what we believed we looked like.

I mean our appearance is something that a lot of people struggle to come to terms with and accept. How we look is never going to change and looking in the mirror only confirms this. We all have this idea of what we think "perfection" is. What we want to look like. Maybe a different eye colour, or different skin complexion or different sized ears. No matter what it is, it's us. You'll see a lot of good looking people in life who you may envy because of their looks. But why are you really envying them? Why is our appearance so important to us. Now I'm not naive to the fact that a lot of stereotypes and judgements are placed on people's appearances today but when it comes down to it you are much bigger than any of that.

I guess a lot of this is reiterating what I said in my previous post. Lately I'm just in a mood where I want people to feel good about themselves because of some of the negativity we experience these days. Moral of the story is... dedicate your life to change things that are in your power to change.

Sorry for the One Direction reference. Unless you like them, then more power to you. So in case you missed it, I am back with even more wisdom for you. Today is a question of self discovery and us as individuals. What makes us us? If you think about it life is just a journey we take in an attempt to find out who we are. We might take some wrong turns along the way but the journey is a long one and some may argue a never ending one. But remember it’s your journey; you make the decisions and choose the paths.

What does this mean exactly you may ask? Every human in life has this thing called Free Will. This is essentially the idea that humans are biologically or spiritually engineered to do whatever the hell they want. But with the prevalence of societal codes and rules this free will is becoming somewhat limited and restrained. But still we have control over most of our life and no-one can take this away from us. Without it everyone in the world would just be a blank slab and how boring would that be?

Some people argue that it is experience that shapes us others say that personality is decided within days of being born. I think both are completely plausible but in my opinion I lean more towards experiences. Every single experience we have had in life governs who we are today. That day you decided to have a burger over chicken, when you decided to stay in rather than go out, when you decided to cross the road early rather than wait for the lights to change. No matter how small it still has an effect on us. If you decided to take a different path you could be different than how you are now how scary is that?

You’ve heard that theory that if you went back in time and you stepped on a butterfly it could change the world drastically. Well it works the same way with our lives. You could’ve had an effect on so many people’s lives and you don’t even know. Something that you chose to do could have saved someone’s life. It’s a knock on effect, like a line of dominoes, each one falling over. Unfortunately most of the time we don’t get to see it.

In recent years I have become very tactile in the way I approach certain situations. Instead of acting on instinct I choose to sit back and consider the repercussions of my actions, which can lead to frustration at times and taking ages to decide on a course of action. Obviously I get it wrong sometimes, I mean if I didn’t then I wouldn’t be human. I’m not saying that this is the way to go about doing things but it sure does carry benefits. Acting on instinct is also advantageous and I’m sure we’ve all heard the phrase to go with our “gut”. Some people’s instincts are spot on and acting in this way isn’t a problem.

It is also a belief that our lives have been mapped out for us already and no matter what path we choose that is always the path we were meant to take. It’s quite hard to get your head around. Think of it like this, whenever you change your mind about something that was always meant to happen so in a way you never changed your mind at all. If this is true that kind of opposes the whole idea of free will as it has all been decided for us. The schools we go to, the friendships we make, the jobs we get and eventually how we die. It’s scary knowing that our deaths are already set in stone and there’s nothing we can do to change that.

So back to you. Life is complicated. You will have your ups and your downs. Things will go your way and other times they won’t. You’re you because you’re unique and there’s no one else like you on this planet. Remember that. Your purpose on this planet transcends physical appearance and wealth and all these things we desire in life. Focus on what makes you happy, what makes you smile what makes you want to get up in the morning and face the world. This is what’s going to guide you through life. Your thoughts your feelings, your emotions, no one else is having this kind of experience but you. And that’s beautiful.

Remember me?

Hi, yeah I've been gone a while don't know if you care, if you do great, if not then I'm going to make you care.

Just thought I'd update you guys with whats been happening in the past few months of my life.

I swear I haven’t forgotten about the blog. It’s been in the back of my mind for a long time now and I have been meaning to post something but just never got round to doing it. Besides I think a hiatus is good, leaves the people wanting more. Right? Right? Or maybe not.

So, yeah, life. It’s been pretty crazy for the past few months. I finished my second year of university which is just crazy. Gone way too quick. Had a project to hand in and a presentation to give so it was pretty stressful, but I think I enjoyed it. I wrote a script about a leaf. Yeah you heard me, a damn leaf! Well it turned out to be quite heart breaking and powerful actually so I was happy! But the presentation, oh boy! As I’ve said before, I can’t talk. Well I can, just not very well so you can probably guess how daunting the presentation was for me. And if life treats me well I will be have to be giving these presentations all the time. Does that make sense? Well yeah I did it. Level 2 complete… proceed to level 3.

On to something more exciting now. I crossed the “Pond” and went back “home" this summer. In other words I went back to work at camp. AND IT WAS JUST AMAZING. Much better than my first year. Don’t want to repeat my previous blog post about camp but yeah, amazing people, amazing kids, amazing place. No more to say really… except I WANT TO GO BACK. I just don’t know if it’s going to be possible. I’m doing that thing, what’s it called? Oh yeah, growing up and I think it’s time for me to get a real job. So don’t know if it’s going to be possible for me to return next year. But even if I don’t, I have a ton of memories that I will cherish forever. From being the only Brit at a 4th July pool party to making gifts for some great campers. Getting emotional just thinking about it… Let’s move on.

Oh, I have nothing left to say. Actually that’s a lie. I’m back and will be posting regularly again so watch this space.

The age old question "Can a..." actually just read the title of the post. It's a topic of pointless debate with a lot of people saying yes but also a lot of people saying no. You want to know what I think? Well I'll get to that.

First I think it's important to define the word "friend". What promotes someone from an acquaintance to a friend? Well that's for everyone individually to decide. We all have different ideas for who we consider as our friend. I know someone is a friend when I talk to them because I want to not because I have to or want something from them. And we talk on a regular basis. Some of you may agree others will disagree. But I think nowadays it's important to know who our friends are. Seriously some people out there will drop you without a second thought and the only person they care about is themselves. These people can usually be identified by their tendency to act all pally with you but end the conversation asking for a kidney.

There are a lot of reasons why people will say no, a boy can't be best friends with a girl and this is normally due to the fact that one of them will start to "catch" feelings. Some argue that the closer you get to someone the more feelings that start to develop. This is why a lot of people that are in relationships say that they used to be best friends with their partner. The people who argue this also claim that people who say that they are best friends with someone of the opposite sex are just in denial. They're not best friends at all, one of them has feelings for the other and wants to "plough" them. It's hard to distinguish whether you like someone as a friend or you like them as more than that because to be honest the feelings are all kind of similar. I guess it all comes down to whether you're sexually attracted to them. If you're best friends with a spice, then God help you.

On the other hand people will say that yes they can be best friends, why not? I mean why should their gender matter. If you get along, have the same sense of humour and like spending time with them then that's it. You can feel that way about someone of the opposite sex or someone of the same sex. With people's desperate needs for sexual interactions these days it's hard to believe that some boy-girl friendships are completely platonic. One strong point I have to perpetuate this argument is how homosexuals would fit into this. I mean to like someone as more than a friend there has to be a physical attraction right? A homosexual boy won't have this attraction to a girl so they can be best friends right? But people may say that it only applies to heterosexuals.

What I think is that yes it is very easy to develop "feelings" for one of your friends especially if they're hot. People today sometimes just don't know whether they like someone. If this girl/boy is all you think about and you talk to them daily and you get anxious when they don't reply to your message and just thinking of them makes you smile... oh, and you have "sexy" thoughts about them. Then damn, you sprung! I mean I have a lot of girl friends, I think I just get along with them better than guys and I have been confused in the past about my feelings towards them but also their feelings towards me. It doesn't help that my general way of talking is a flirty one. But the main thing for me to like someone is knowing that they like me, so this way my hearts intact and things are not awkward. You will never find me wooing a girl. For me it has to be something that develops naturally not me chasing the girl. Have I even answered the question yet? I think I have, I think it's completely possible to have a best friend of the opposite sex but there is a big risk of feelings developing so just be careful because you don't want to ruin your friendship by trying to find out whether the other person also has these feelings. Just keep it 100. But also remember there will always be a certain level of friendship between you and someone before you get into a relationship.

One other thing if you are friends. DO NOT throw the word "love" around unless you are both using it in the same way. It can lead to a lot of confusion. You're saying you love them how you love a sandwich but they're saying love how they want to marry you and have your babies.

This all boils down to one important point. If you do like someone don't friendzone yourself. Because once you're in the friendzone you ain't getting out. Well it's possible but incredibly hard. Sometimes you won't know you have these feelings until after your friendzoned and to all you people I'll pray for you.

Social networking has become a revelation in recent years with the emergence of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If someone told you they didn't have a Facebook account you'd think they were crazy. Or that they're smart, very very smart actually. Social networking has arguably made us less sociable and for some just hardcore attention seekers.

Let's start with Facebook shall we? Yes we shall. Do you remember the days when people used to upload a photo and would say "Don't like the link like the photo". Why are these people assuming that someone is going to like their photo. If anything this is going to make people not want to like your photo.

Also Birthdays... wow. Birthday's on Facebook are a momentous occasion when we hear from people we never actually speak to or haven't spoken to you in ages. And it's actually quite a nice feeling when people you don't normally speak to wish you a happy birthday BUT when people put "HB" that is just rude in my opinion. You've done a lot by clicking on this person's profile to write on their wall for their birthday so why are you just posting HB? Would it hard just to go the whole way and say Happy Birthday. Lazy buggers. 

Something that also makes me laugh is when people post on people's timelines and are like "Inbox me when you see this". Why don't you just inbox them? Never understood that.

I think people's desperation for likes is what fuels most of the atrocities that plague social networks. But it's human nature right? The need to be liked but c'mon it's getting ridiculous now. "Like if you're awake", "Like if you're doing this" "Like if you're doing that". After people like your status what exactly are you doing about it?

Instagram is also a vessel for likes. People will literally tag their photos with a bunch of tags so more people will like it then delete the tags so it looks like they've got al those likes themselves. Seriously is this us? Is this the human race in the 21st century? Begging for likes? Likes are not going to get you a job or get you out of your overdraft.

The only issue I have to raise with Twitter is when people will follow thousands of people just to get follow backs. Like why?

Now I don't want it to sound like I'm condemning people for doing these things, it's your account you can do whatever you like with it but I just hope people are social networking for the right reasons. Social networking shouldn't be there to feed your hunger for likes or gain popularity. The clues in the name, just to be sociable in the cyber world. If your tweets or Instagram photos happen to gain popularity then that's fine.

But It's not all bad news when it comes to social networking. It has evolved into a marketing platform and a basis for advertising. It has also played an imperative role in raising awareness and money for charities and spreading good news.

Too bad it will never be rid of crazes such as Neknomination, spam accounts and mothers posting endless photos of their snotty nosed children.
Guys, I think that time has come. You know what time I'm talking about. The time we all knew was coming, we just didn't know when. The time when I've finally run out of things to say. But then, brainwave! I thought how about I write a post about how I've run out of stuff to write about. Genius right?

I haven't posted in like over a week now I think and probably most of you haven't even noticed and probably don't even care. And to be honest why should you? I'm no celebrity. But there is one person who does care! Me. Normally I will have an epiphany and say to myself "this would make a great blog post" but I just haven't had that recently! Writers block is real people.

I've just spent the past week waiting for something to come to me. Do you ever have those days when like literally nothing happens. You could literally skip that day and it would have no effect on your life. Well try having that for a week. It's not cool, gosh it's not cool at all.

But this time of just doing nothing has actually allowed me to think about... stuff. I find myself reminiscing a lot and also thinking about the future which is pretty scary. But most of all I've gained a new perspective on the people around me. Lately I guess I've been in a pretty observant mood I find myself altering my behaviour depending on who I'm talking to. I think we all do this to a certain extent subconsciously but lately I've been doing it knowingly. And I've come to the conclusion that people are complex.

We all know people are complex but I found myself forming new opinions on people I thought I knew well enough already. Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing but it's amazing how your outlook can change so quickly. I've had a serious case of you know those people who claim to be your friends but like they're just non existent. They might as well be chilling on the top of Mount Kilimanjaro with just a dutty rag and a dipstick. You know those people who you fell your out of touch with and if you message them not getting a response is just normal. Well screw these people. I'd like to say I don't have time for them but to be honest I do. So let's just say I wish I didn't have time for these people.

On top of this don't you find it sad when you see people on say Facebook or Twitter that you used to be really close with and now you're just nothing. I still don't know how this happens because for me any friendship I get into isn't temporary. It's just sad. Also finding out people have deleted you from Facebook is either funny, unimportant or just makes your heart bleed. But even worse than this is when people intentionally delete you from their life for no reason and carry on living their life like everything's cool. Oh you haven't experienced that?... awks.

But it's not all doom and gloom there are some people in my life who I love talking to at the moment and these days of doing nothing has only increased that. I love the fact that I can be myself and we can insult each other and just act stupid. Actually hmmm... Nah enough of that. I don't want to make certain people big headed. If you think I'm talking about you, I'm not. Okay I problem am...

What was this post about again?
I'm a huge TV fan and I thought I'd compile a list of great TV shows you should be watching or should've watched while they were on air. Now this list is going to be hugely biased as it's just going to be made up of my favourite TV shows but still I must watch them for a reason and I suggest you give some of them a watch.
So in no particular order:

1. Doctor Who (BBC)

You all knew this would be on the list and if you didn't shame on you. It's the worlds longest running sci-fi show for a reason you know. With engaging story arcs, interesting characters and just the fact that it's British makes for great viewing.

2. Game of Thrones (Sky Atlantic/HBO)

Game of Thrones is just explicit in every sense of the word. With heavy violence and full frontal nudity Game of Thrones definitely isn't for the squeamish. With it's array of talented actors/actresses and the fact that you just don't know who's going to die next Game of Thrones will definitely pack you a hefty sucker punch.

3. Sherlock (BBC)

One of Britain's highest rated shows. Mostly praised for it's writing and with Steven Moffat at the helm this is only to be expected. Just the fact that it has Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman in the main roles should make you want to watch it. It's unusual format of 3 1hr30mins episodes a series means every episode is like a feature length movie and is highly rewatchable. Sherlock will truly leave you stunned and scratching your head. 

4. House of Cards (Netflix)

Haven't watched all the episodes yet but if the reviews are anything to go by then I am definitely in for a treat. A political drama about a man who vows revenge for being overlooked as Secretary of the State. With Kevin Spacey in the lead role this show is bound to garner some praise. A Netflix original series means you don't have to wait a week for the next episode, every episode is released at once meaning you can watch the whole series in one day if you wanted to.

5. True Detective (Sky Atlantic/HBO)

Another entry from HBO but then again it is HBO. I don't know if many of you know about this show but it stars Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson and is essentially about the hunt for a serial killer. The show has been put on par with the likes of Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad so definitely deserves a watch. It's use of multiple timelines makes it a series like no other.

6. Broadchurch (ITV)

Broadchurch was highly popular in the UK and with good reason. It follows the tragic death of a young boy and adapts the whodunnit storyline. Normally you can kind of guess who done it before it is revealed but Broadchurch will truly shock you with it's revelation. One sequence in particular deserves praise and just completely sums up Broadchurch. Lets not forget David Tennant and Olivia Colman who both offer great performances. The fact that the US are producing a remake and actually using Tennant is a testament to Tennant himself and the show.

7. The Walking Dead (FOX/AMC)

The Walking Dead is perhaps one of the biggest shows on TV right now. Both highly popular in the UK and US the zombie drama will take you to places that no other show has taken you before. It has completely reinvented the whole zombie aspect and is not just about blowing zombies heads off. It has an array of engaging characters with their own back stories and the way in which each character is developed is done with precision. The show does have it's highs and lows and has arguably slacked off in recent seasons but is still a show I feel needs to be watched and appreciated.

8. The Blacklist (Sky Living/NBC)

I am so annoyed about the lack of people that know about The Blacklist. It is definitely the show on air now that I'm enjoying the most. It adapts a story of the week format which means it doesn't have these slow paced episodes that is just all build up. It has a number of twist and turns that you would've never seen coming and James Spader is just too badass. I literally have nothing but praise for the show and if there's one show from this list that you should watch let it be this one. You will not be disappointed.

9. Prison Break (Five/Sky One/Fox)

I didn't watch Prison Break when it aired but instead a few years later at the insistence of a friend and thank the Lord I gave in. After watching the first episode I was heavily disappointed but boy does it pick up. The title is pretty self explanatory to what it's about. I didn't know they could drag out the same concept for four seasons but they did. I think the fact that I watched it all back to back heightened my experience and probably would've enjoyed it less if I had to watch it week after week. It probably has one of the best characters on any TV show because he is just too damn "sick". Watch it, and you'll know what I'm on about.

10. Harper's Island (BBC/CBS)

Another "whodunnit" or shall I say "who's doing it". Doubt many of you know about Harper's Island but it was a series I really enjoyed. I guess I'm just a sucker for the "Whodunnit" format, especially when I have no idea of who it is. It's basically about this group of people who go to an island and get killed off one by one with some gruesome murders. What's not to love eh?

11. Heroes (Sci Fi UK/BBC/NBC)

Heroes was massive when it first aired and with good reason. I mean we've all dreamed about having super powers right? Heroes adapted a large ensemble cast and had numerous storylines running at once which all converged in the finale. A format which a lot of American shows adapt these days, but I think Heroes does it one of the best to be honest. With a new miniseries recently being announced it may be a good idea to watch it now. Although Heroes does drag the finales are definitely a good pay off and keeps a high level of consistency.

12. Believe (Watch/NBC)
First of all forgive the name. It has nothing to do with Justin Bieber. A new show by the one and only Alfonso Cuaron, so it must be half decent. I don't quite know what it is but this series just feels different to any other TV series It's about a girl with special abilities who must be protected by a death row inmate. So already it sounds pretty intriguing. Johnny Sequoyah (that's a girl) gives a great performance as the lead character Bo. Her childlike nature but the fact that she knows more than anyone around her is a great juxtaposition and one that is articulated well throughout the series.

13. Top Boy (Channel 4)

Top Boy is just so quintessentially British and is highly popular especially among people my age. It depicts the lives of "gangsters" in London and their dealings with weapons, drugs and rival gangs. I think what makes Top Boy so great is the fact that it doesn't hold back. Whether it is a true representation of life in London, I don't know, but it definitely makes for good television. People being buried alive and kids being thrown from balconies Top Boy has it all.

14. Misfits (E4)

Misfits is basically Skins meets Heroes. It follows the life of a bunch of young adults on community service and the use of their special abilities to get them in and out of trouble. It recently aired it's last series which was heavily disappointing but I choose to remember the show for its first 3 series which were just fantastic. What gives Misfits that slight edge and "pizazz" are the honest performances given by it's main cast and it's humorous undertone.

15. Luther (BBC)

Damn Luther. I have no words. Actually I do. Crime Drama with Idris Elba as a mad detective. You should already be trying to find links to watch it. If not what more can I say? He dangled a man from a damn balcony to get info from him. Isn't that enough. Men putting their hands in blenders, nah I can't cope. Let me go watch it now actually. It's on Netflix and LoveFilm so you guys have no excuse. It probably has two of the best characters to ever grace British television and there could be a film in the works so I suggest you jump on the bandwagon.

16. Tracy Beaker Returns/The Dumping Ground (BBC)

Probably a surprise for most of you. But yeah I dabble in children's television sometimes and the Dumping Ground can be just as a appealing to adults as it is to children. It deals with some pretty interesting topics and when there are kids falling of roofs and getting run over and playing with grenades you know this isn't just any kids show you're watching.

Other shows that I have not watched myself but heard good things about include:
Breaking Bad
The Sopranos
Six Feet Under