Good friends are hard to come by these days and as I say in previous blog posts it's important to surround yourself with people who care about you but also people you care about. There are a lot of people in my life who I'm thankful for and I just want to say that I appreciate you guys.
However I'm going to dedicate this post to someone who has literally been my soul mate for the past few weeks. It's hard to think how I survived without them. If I wasn't me I'd probably be them. Did that make sense, probably not. I didn't understand it myself.
It's difficult these days to know who genuinely wants to be your friend and who's just... there. I guess you will just "know" when someone's there for the long haul. Hmmmm actually no that's a lie. Forget I said that. You just need a bird with a red chest but however If you sing for someone you know they're special. And if they feel comfortable enough to tell you something that they've never told anyone before then bro, you've definitely got something there.
When your conversations don't start with "hi" "how're you" and blah blah this person's a keeper. You're not just speaking to them for the sake of it. I think I'm at that point in my life when I only have time for people who have time for me. In fact,, that should be your mindset throughout your life. There are a lot of time wasters out there and just because you consider someone to be your friend doesn't mean that they are.
Probably the only person that can make me laugh consistently and just an all round nice person. Trying not to sound too soppy but it's true. And I think you can be a bit soppy from time to time. The future looks promising the young girl and the elephant and I hope to keep speaking to them for a long long time. Or until I get bored. Whichever one comes first. Don't ever change, You're awesome and just know whenever you need me I'll be there pal.
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